Midweek Advent Service
Wed, Dec 2nd 12pm - 12:30pm
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 6080 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

Prepare Ye the Way! This is our theme this year for our Advent journey together. During these midweek devotional times, we will be focusing on the psalm of the day and seeing how it helps us to prepare for this new season of Jesus. The order of service will be shortened and will follow basically this outline: - Call to Worship - Confession & Absolution - Reading of the Day (from the Book of Psalms) - Devotional Homily from Pastor Jon - Prayers of the Day & Lord's Prayer - Communion - Benediction & Blessing These services will happen under the breezeway between Chapel East and Chapel West, and all COVID related precautions will observed including face masks and social distancing. Because of the smaller area under the breezeway, each service will be limited to 25 people.